ICPerMed conference


Paula Garcia



Paula Garcia holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry Pharmacy and Biology from the Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara (Mexico) and an International Masters of Public Health from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (France). Paula has solid experience in international scientific cooperation and in the field of development aid. She previously worked as a project manager for the pharmaceutical industry, for the French research agency on HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis (ANRS) and for a public health consulting firm, managing public health projects in developing countries. Paula joined ECRIN as a project manager in 2019. She is focused on infrastructure development projects in Europe and beyond, helping ECRIN to liaise and cooperate with other existing and upcoming research infrastructures and networks. Paula was the project manager for the PErsonalised MedIcine Trials (PERMIT) project, which developed methodological recommendations for personalised medicine research programs.